This is a free service to help you promote your business

To support local businesses, we’re compiling a comprehensive Shop Local directory of business in our area. You can change or update your listing at any time and we encourage you to update your listing often.

* What's your name?

* What's your email address?

You will use this email to log in later to edit your listing

* Best phone number for us to contact you? (in case we have questions about your listing)

This will be your password when you log in to edit your listing

* Name of business or school

* Organization Address

Business description (no contact info, discounts or pricing here, please)

Tell us about your business and services, what you offer and how you can help or serve our readers.
Use this section to tell us about your business, or special services. No pricing or discount offers allowed and will be deleted.

Hours of operation

We’ll highlight your listing with a “Deal” icon to make you stand out. Offering a deal will drive more business! You can change your deal any time.

We’re publishing a print Shop Local directory, too, and you'll want to be part of that version to reach an entirely different audience who will keep our print version handy for reference, potentially for years to come.